Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sittin, Waitin, Drinkin

Nothing seems to happen as time passes and lately I've been noticing all the wonders happening in other people's lives. Like my enemies getting into their dream colleges, or my ex's making a come back with a beautiful new girl while I sit here eating raw cookie dough. Recently, everything has been so uneventful. I have 0 trips planned, 0 boys I like, and 0 colleges (well, just my dream one) accepting me; so, I sit here. I've been stressing out about the whole yearbook not getting finished, and haven't done anything but work work work. I know I'm not falling behind, I'm just not where other people are and comparing myself to them will only make me feel worse about myself. It won't be long until I'm accepted to college and making plans, and this is only a minor rest time in my future planning.

I'll be okay. I am okay.


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