So today was my last day ever of high school and sweet baby jesus I am so done! I've been thinking back over the past couple of years and everything that has molded me into who I am today and honestly don't regret things I have done, but wish I did let myself go a little more often. I guess the few times that I did let my hair down things went wrong, and so it made me feel as though I can't be that type of girl. This summer will be different though; I want to experience new things and maybe go a little out of my comfort zone sometimes. It has to be good for the soul to branch out, right? Even if I make some rather risky choices, they will be good learning experiences so that I can have myself under control in college. I don't want another boring summer, I have plenty of those under my belt. I just need to keep myself busy and do things that are actually fun instead of sitting at home all day every day eating more than my body can handle. I will spend some time reading in my eno and hanging out with the people that make my soul happy before going out to California.
Here's to a crazy fun filled summer